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The Chilkat, Chilkoot, and Ferebee watersheds surround Haines, Alaska. We here are blessed with a healthy and productive environment and believe it is our shared responsibility to pass these gifts on to future generations. Whether you enjoy the Takshanuk watersheds as a fisherman, hunter, photographer, hiker, skier, boater, visitor, forester, or otherwise, look around, learn something new, and get involved.


In the fall of 2002, Southeast Conference solicited communities throughout Southeast Alaska for interest in forming watershed councils to help protect, conserve, and enhance salmon fisheries and habitat. The Community Watershed Project (CWP) was a cooperative agreement between Southeast Conference and the Alaska Department of Fish and Game to administer Southeast Sustainable Salmon Funds and to help establish community-based watershed councils. Though interest in forming a watershed council based in Haines was sparked as early as 2000, the Takshanuk Watershed Council was formally incorporated in 2003 with financial support provided through the Community Watershed Project.  Today, the council employs a full-time Executive Director, an Education Coordinator, a Science Director, and part-time seasonal Field Technicians.

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